How to Make a Room?

This is how and why you can make your own room in our Museum.


You might want to open a room here because you’ve looked around the Museum and felt there’s something missing here. It could be a project or just a text, something that you want to share with the world. If you just want to share with us an existing project.

The museum keeps all of the rooms, even if they have been abandoned. We are not a corporation or foundation, so we don’t have to worry about efficiency or productivity. So, there is no pressure on you to deliver anything. If you have an idea to share, thank you! If you become tired of it, just leave it alone. As you can see, our rooms are very different: some contain academic discussions and others exhibit Carnivals, others store art projects, and others contain scandals. 


If you want to open a Room in the Museum of Care, write to us ( 

We’ll set it up and give you access, so you can take care of your room in the Museum of Care. You can post your events on our calendar and social media, and announce them through our mailing list. We’d love for you to find partners, co-authors and friends among us to help you take care of your room, but ultimately you’re the one who will be responsible for your room, otherwise it will become dusty and old.

Actually, that’s okay, too, but we guess you want it to be full of life: people, events, and new ideas. 

To take care of your room, the room curator can publish texts, pictures, and videos on the room’s page. It will make it easier for other members and visitors of the Museum of Care to understand what this room is about and how to join it. 

Actually, that’s okay, too, but we guess you want it to be full of life: people, events, and new ideas. If your room does not have any collective events scheduled for 3 months, we will move it to the Dusty Old Rooms page. 

How do I maintain my Room?

– Use our template structure to ensure your room’s purpose is easy to understand for everyone. Any content you create will be chronologically catalogued beneath this description for easy access.
–  Always use good quality photos or drawings—visuals are important.
– If you want to publish your video on our channel upload it to vimeo or YouTube first and then we can help you.
– Link your page to other rooms in the Museum who share an interest. It will help us get to know you and collaborate. 

Sister projects

If you just want to share an existing project with us, but don’t want us to be part of it in any way, you may want to share it on our Sister Projects page.

I’m interested and passionate about a vacant room

In the first instance contact the curator of the Room and tell them how you can help. If there’s no contact details for the room contact us and we’ll do our best to put you in touch.

Good luck!

The Survival Kit Collection

The Survival Kit collection at the Museum of Care in St Vincent and the Grenadines will focus on the maintenance of human life rather than the preservation of art objects.

Visual Assembly as a Playground

Visual Assemblies rethink shared spaces — hospitals, schools, and playgrounds — exploring how we learn, work, care, and play together. A network of community-built playgrounds as Visual Assemblies could lay the foundation for collaboration and connection.

Islands in the Future

The David Graeber Institute is re-imagining an abandoned ship as an anti-colonial Museum of Care in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Fight club

David Graeber asserted that human consciousness only exists in dialogue with others, and the myth of the individual “thinker-philosopher” is nothing but a myth. David himself was often subjected to public attacks and withstood them with fortitude. Our fights will be between real people, imaginary people, or real people played by actors.

Carnival: reading group and talks

This room is a continuation of the carnivalesque rooms and projects initiated by the Museum of Care and DGI. It combines the format of public talks and a closed reading group.

Seminars of Care

A series of multidisciplinary encounters devoted to the themes of care and caring

David Graeber Institute Art Collection

The DGI art collection is here to organize open calls, commissioned art projects, help to organise APTART exhibitions, and to find connecting with potential collaborators

Made Differently

In thousands of ways, we are taught to accept the world we live in as the only possible one, but thousands of other ways of organizing homes, cities, schools, societies, economies, cosmologies, have and could exist. The series of books Made Differently… is designed to play with possibility and to overcome the suspicion, instilled in…

Pedagogies of Care 

What do these true educational resources, from which we may learn collectively, have in common and how do they differ from the mainstream pedagogical approaches based on competition, separation and control?

Fetish and Value

In this room, we discuss David's ideas about value and fetishism as social creativity.

Debt: The First 5,000 Years

The room is dedicated to the discussion of the concept of debt as present in David Graeber’s “Debt: The First 5,000 Years,” as well as in other texts.

Late Soviet Temporalities

Why should we care about time? Are time at work and time off still the same time? How does time shape how we live, speak and perceive the world? How does it feel to have no future? And what about being stuck in the past? The room explores these questions by drawing on late socialist experiences.

There Never Was a West

The reading group of David Graeber’s text ‘There Never Was a West: Or, Democracy Emerges from the Spaces in Between.’ 


This room is a room for conversation. It overlaps with and complements the “Collective Decision Making” room, which explores the mechanisms of how people agree or disagree and how we can reach consent (and can we?).

Critique of Violence

Walter Benjamin’s “Critique of Violence” is a seminal text that in just a few steps dismantles the very idea that any form of legitimate violence can exist, or that means can be separated from ends so that a just end can make a wrong means just. 

Common Waters

Waters are a commons. They are also a common matter and topic, widely and variously discussed in different fields and with different perspectives, aims and methodologies. This room, curated by Paola Pietronave and Arianna Sollazzo, is a space for their many forms, declinations and aspects.

First Aid Kit against Neoliberalism

Neoliberalism strikes when you least expect it. It is therefore important to have a first aid kit with a little more content than just plasters for the wound. First aid kit against neoliberalism v. 2.0 is amply supplied with everything you need when neoliberalism strikes.


Carnival is the place where everything is turned upside down, where freedom and the possibility of changing social orders and prescribed roles reign. There has never been a better place for David’s ideas to seep and stir.

Bullshit Jobs

Is your job killing you? Do you feel the crush of spiritual violence when at work? Are you a duct-taper, box-ticker, taskmaster, flunky, or goon? We’ve got the place for you. Join us. Bullshit Jobs: A Reading Group, where your humanity will be restored.

Visual Assembly

A room dedicated to the network of communities, organizations, spaces, collectives, individuals and ideas connected by Visual Assemblies - creative collaborations that aim to imagine new ways to run and organize our social systems.

David Graeber and his Philosophers

We are organising, under the patronage of Museum of Care and the David Graeber Institute, a series of public lectures on the philosophical foundations of the work of David Graeber, whose death in September 2020 was an enormous shock and left a void in anthropology and far beyond the discipline.

Carnival4David: after 2020

Just a month after David Graeber’s unexpected death, instead of a funeral, Nika and friends organized Memorial Carnival for DAVID GRAEBER, which took place in 250 locations around the world.

Museum of Care as a Project

The Museum of Care is your Museum: it was created by the people for the people. During the 2020 Covid pandemic, Nika Dubrovsky and David Graeber came up with the idea. After David’s death, Nika and friends created a website that hosted reading groups, assemblies, and art projects.

Open-source food

A room dedicated to dicussing cutting-edge food tech and sustainable food production.

Reading Groups

We read and discuss David Graeber’s texts and related material. Please do feel free to get in touch if you are interested in presenting a particular text. All voices are welcome.