This article is a part of the room: Fight club
Fights in Preparation
David Graeber vs. Thomas Hobbes / Michael Hudson and Steve King / Nationalism and Climate Change / Charity Vs Burn it’ at Church of Burning / Michael Bakunin vs. Karl Marx / Michael Hudson and the Fight for Civilization / Jean-Baptiste Say vs. Steve Keen and David Graeber / David Graeber, the Afterlife Anthropologist / Leo Tolstoy vs. Nikolai Fyodorov / Steven Pinker and Dominic Cummings vs. Keith Hart / Michael Hudson vs. Thomas Piketty / John Locke vs. Robert Skidelsky / United for Camp Mexûr / Margaret Thatcher vs. Neave Brown / Franz Erhard Walter vs. Josef Beuys / David Graeber VS Thomas Hobbes / Jean-Jacques Rousseau