Links to the articles and other media about Fight Club:

“A discussion between Piketty and Hudson, convened in Graeber’s memory, is bound to be fascinating, and they don’t disappoint”.
Debts that can’t be paid, won’t be paid: The first David Graeber Foundation meetup, between Thomas Piketty and Michael Hudson by Cory Doctorow / September 29, 2021

“David’s widow Nika Dubrovsky has established ‘The Fight Club’ to keep David’s unique way of challenging conventional wisdoms alive. Each ‘Fight’ will pit leading advocates of different visions of how society functions against each other.”
It’s What the Babies Eat: Inflammatory Capitalism in Mush by Paul Haeder / September 30th, 2021

At HANSUNG1918 cultural centre, Fight Club (2022), a video by Graeber’s widow, Nika Dubrovsky, stages a dialogue between Thomas Hobbes (Jacques Servin from The Yes Men), Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Savitri D from the Church of Stop Shopping) and Graeber (Jamie Kelsey-Fry from Global Assembly and Extinction Rebellion). They ruminate on notions of property and the social contract: a playful display reinforcing the idea that concepts emerge from dialogue rather than individual thinking.
Frieze What Can Pirate Utopias Tell Us about the Future? by Terence Trouillot / October 17th, 2024