Newsletter May 2024

This article is a part of the room: Museum of Care as a Project

Dear all,

This spring letter will be short! From now on we will limit this newsletter to special occasions and projects only. Are you a room curator with such a special project in mind? Anyone who has a project in MoC can send out her and his own newsletter: just send an email to

Interested in discovering more about the origins of the Museum of Care? Read Nika Dubrovsky’s dialogue with John Phillips from Museum of Unrest.



Following the online meeting with Groupo Contrafilé, Nika Dubrovsky, Clive Russell, John Phillips set up a room PLAYGROUNDS – THE HISTORY OF PUBLIC ART PROJECTS AND THE CITY OF CARE. This new project is about playgrounds understood as places that embody both hopes and despairs of contemporary society.

One part of it will exist online, in the form of a room, a resource which everyone can use and contribute to. The room features a collection of materials about playgrounds, both real and fictional. 

If you have anything you would like to share on the subject and want to contribute or want to join us as a curator, email us
We plan to discuss the project of a DIY venue and to prepare a new APTART exhibition about playgrounds following the “Discussion Circles” hybrid programme of presentations, talks and workshops at Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in June.

Bakhtin and the Temporalities of Carnival

We are planning to launch a new reading group dedicated to the notion of Carnival as described by Mikhail Bakhtin. If you are interested in taking part, please, drop us a line at and we will be happy to connect you with the group’s hosts.

Looking forward to meeting you!

Your Museum


In the meantime, we will continue supporting our growing community — if you want to contribute or if you are one of the curators/contributors and would like to add more information to your room, please reach out via
And don’t forget to subscribe to David Graeber Institute’s regular updates. You will be among the first to learn about our Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Discussion Circles programme and the upcoming collection of David Graeber’s essays THE ULTIMATE HIDDEN TRUTH OF THE WORLD…