Today is scheduled MASTODON ASSEMBLY
Please, come! This is probably the most important collective project since the beginning of the Museum of Care.
When the David Graeber Institute set up the server, there was a real exodus of users from Twitter. The new owner, Elon Mask, radically and senselessly has been changing the rules. Now things have calmed down, as they often do: the social panic has passed, and the users stay on the social networks to which they are accustomed. Unfortunately, this applies to me as well.
That said, the problems of commercial social media haven’t gone anywhere. The owners continue to spy on users, censor them, capitalize on our content production and so on and so forth. The dangers of commercial social media have been described in detail in numerous books and articles. There is no need to list them here.
Social networks have become part of our political infrastructure. They feed us information, and we use them to create and support our relationships. Social movements use them for social mobilization.
Large-scale national and especially international project is only possible today with the active use of social networks.
We simply have to make our social space communal, controlled by the majority in the interest of everyone involved.

Technology is helping us!
The Mastadon Federation, with its distributed servers, is a perfect ” grassroots ” control mechanism. Masradon does not have central authority but provides an opportunity for co-participation, universal solidarity, as well as the preservation of autonomy of each one involved.
Since changing the habits of many people and reorganizing existing communities by moving them to new infrastructure is not an easy task, it seemed to me that the David Graeber Institute could help the current movement in two ways:
1) try to set up an experimental server with something like Play Rules to allow people to check out different ideas. The understandable limitations of such a thesis would like discussed in the Assembly
2) Move some of the existing discussions from the Museum of Care to Mastadon.
We examined the possibility of continued dialogue between members of different groups and rooms between Museum events in the last Housekeeping Committee.
Can we transform a web-site (Museum of Care) that is a very conservative project: a bunch of static pages, to something more dynamic, run by individuals who are interested in each topic?
Why wouldn’t each group have an account on our Mastodon server and start a discussion there, attracting other users?
After all, all other platforms, like Discord, for example, are very much like Twitter — just a private platform.
Someone may have other suggestions.
Looking forward to hearing from everyone!
We really need you!