Past events
– Rojava Video Commune Screening with Debbie Bukchin, April 12
– A Talk on Ewald Vasilyevich Ilyenkov “Personality and collective”, April 27

- August 24 2023 Conversation with Victor Misiano facilitated by Nika Dubrovsky and Andris Brinkmanis about Soviet and post-Soviet art bohemians. What code of behavior, traditions were adopted in these groups? Did it differ from socially accepted norms? Did they distinguish themselves from the norms adopted by other artistic groups in other times and in other countries?
- Future events
- October 26, 2023 20:00 (London Time) THE STATE WE’RE IN (PART 1): WHAT IS THE STATE? Across the world people often try to use the powers they have been granted by the state to bring about social change. And sometimes they strive to go beyond the state to create autonomous enclaves. In this session Paul Feldman will discuss what is the contemporary state. A brief summary of some of David Graeber’s writings on the state will be given by one of Museum of Care members. Registration link
- November 23, 2023 20:00 (London Time) The State We’re In (Part 2): Social Progress in Chile With or Without the State? Across the world people often try to use the powers they have been granted by the state to bring about social change. And sometimes they strive to go beyond the state to create autonomous enclaves. In this session Paul Feldman will discuss what is the contemporary state. Mark Fuller will give a brief summary of some of David Graeber’s writings on the state. For the discussion, find [here] some excerpts about the state & democracy from the writing of David Graeber, Paul Feldman, and Bob Jessop and a introduction [here]. Further Readings: [link] In collaboration with Real Democracy Movement
- Across the world people often try to use the powers they have been granted by the state to bring about social change. And sometimes they strive to go beyond the state to create autonomous enclaves. In this session Paul Feldman will discuss what is the contemporary state. Mark Fuller will give a brief summary of some of David Graeber’s writings on the state. For the discussion, find [here] some excerpts about the state & democracy from the writing of David Graeber, Paul Feldman, and Bob Jessop and a introduction [here].
These are the future events, that would be great to have here:
– Batka Makhno’s anarchist army in Ukraine fought both the Whites and the Reds. What was his take on collectivity?
– The collectivity emerged during Documenta 15, described by the Indonesian word Lumbung,
– “Nonviolent protest movements set up to organize mass movements” Extinction Rebellion with Clare Farrell, sometime in June 2023
– Dialog with the activists from Rojava, Northern Kurdistan, where for almost ten years, women have been developing a collectivity that is opposite to theocratic religiosity, orthodox Marxism, and the capitalist reality of the West.