- Nika Dubrovsky describe the idea of a Museum of Care, summarising this small text. If anybody has time to read, here is an extended version on the same topic:
- Clive Russell reported on our recent successes: we (more precisely Clive and Charly) have made an ingenious design for a new website that will gradually unite all initiatives and become a platform for an international (or intergalactic?) solidarity network, which we call the Museum of Care (and Freedom).
- Christophe Petit introduced us to David’s and his friend’s ideas about debt, money and power. We talking about how theory could be adapted to practice. In our case, with the Museum of Care and the solidarity network.
- Some inquisitive ideas came up, like the creation of a time-bank. We have a list of tasks. We can record the tasks being accomplished, and the community would reimburse people who make it work. We talked about cryptocurrency and the possibility of introducing our own.
- We discussed the interaction between an Open Assembly and working groups.
So far, we have decided that we will start breaking up into w. groups.
We have defined a list of working groups.
The large Open Assemblies will only meet once a month after this Friday.
The agenda for the Friday 29-10 meeting:
At the beginning of last Friday, we started introducing ourselves. All people are great, but the process of getting to know each other was something like a job interview. At one point, each participant stuttered and started to ask themselves, “What can I do for the Museum of Care? What can I give?”
The answer is: yes, you will. And everyone is welcome!
We follow the ideas of Open source communities. This means that everyone takes as much as they need and gives as much as they want to give. Everyone is invited until the community thinks someone is misbehaving. The counting mechanisms have yet to be determined.
1) List of tasks/ Introduction:
(this is my version; let’s compare notes with other people who were working this week).
- Content (and keep being intergalactic): Translation into (any) national languages of our press releases and reports (such as this one).Coordination of the group of translators and organizing Reading groups.
- Fundraising
- Distribution of resources: timebank, cryptocurrency.
- Press and Visuality: We need to contact (find) the people who gave us visual materials. We need to put credits on the ones that are missing it. – We need to process photos for the press team. Anybody can edit video or photos?
- Website: we need editors for the site to sort out the information: – linking photos with authors, texts with events, descriptions and videos with participants.
- We need allies and friends – that’s essential and most precious for us! We want to expand our network of Museums of Care everywhere!
15 minutes
2) Working in groups.
Divide ourselves into working groups according to the list of tasks and participants’ interests. Some of the groups already have people who can potentially be organizers.
This Friday, we will be able to create separate rooms inside of our zoom.
After an introduction (all above is 15 min), each working group is going to talk in a separate room for about 20 to 30 min.
Then we meet for a common discussion for 15 min.
Let’s keep it under 60 min, so we will be able to continue meetings every Friday!