How to Make Your Own Assembly

This article is a part of the room: Education and (anti)Institutions


You have to have a concrete cause for assembling. The Educational Assembly met to make a world map of places around the world, in which the independent education takes place.

You shouldn’t gather to create tasks (or rules) for other people.


There are many different kinds of rules for running different types of Assemblies. They depend on where you conduct them: online, offline, how many participants, and so on. The Museum of Care ran the Assemblies online, so we had facilitators and participants. Ideally, we would like to make the decision by consensus. We explored the topic of decision-making in the project “Documentary about decision making.”

If the Assembly has a specific goal, then those people who don’t agree with the Assembly’s decision can refuse to participate in the project or open their own.

What is needed to run an Assembly?

  1. A THEME and a specific project that you want to implement.
  2. A facilitator and participants, an ability to use one of the many online software programs that allow people from different countries to get together. It’s better to use open-source software like Jitsi.

    The Museum uses Zoom. If you have opened a room at the Museum of Care, we will, if possible, organize meetings for you through our Zoom account, which has no time limitations. 
  3. A good assembly needs documentation: it is best to describe the agenda of your meeting and then make a summary of the decisions made. We often did this at the Museum of Care, but unfortunately, some of our Assemblies, although recorded, have not been transcribed.