curated by Conservation Lab

The Material Photographies Research Group meets regularly online to explore critical thinking/making around the photograph in its multiple forms and dynamic manifestations—to welcome new ways of thinking and celebrate the increasingly complex photosphere we inhabit.
Next meeting Wednesday, November 1, 2023, 12:30 pm London Time.
We will be reading the following:
1. Jean Baudrillard – “Photography, or the Writing of Light” from Jean Baudrillard Selected Writings.
2. Andrew Dewdney – Forget Photography, Chapter 1 (“Forget Photography”, p. 3-18), and Chapter 7 (“The Image after Photography,” p.139 -164).
Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007), was a French sociologist, cultural critic, and theorist of postmodernity whose theoretical ideas of “hyperreality” and “simulacrum” influenced literary theory and philosophy.
Andrew Dewdney is a professor, and researcher in the fields of art, media, and cultural studies. Dewdney’s research focuses on the impact of digital technologies on visual culture, and the role of digitisation on the museum and cultural heritage.
We hope you enjoy the readings and look forward to seeing you in November.
Let us know if you need the texts.
Allyn, Simon.