Presentations took place in the new rooms at the housekeeping committee on Jan. 25 (see video of presentations here).
In each case, the question arose: which is the best way to communicate with the public? How can we facilitate open collective dialogue and get people involved in the projects?
During the housekeeping committee, innovations in room design were suggested, which we will try to implement.
The Museum of Care is a practical application, designed to be used outside of an institutional context. That said, the technological resources for its creation up to this point have been very limited – a wordpress web site and free mailing lists.
The question is how to use, develop technology outside of institutional or commercial content?
We will meet for the “Tools of Care” Assembly to discuss how we can jointly develop formats of caring for each other and for ourselves.
How to organize horizontal, truly inclusive education? How might spaces of autonomous production and distribution of content be possible?
We also hope to get to know each other, even if virtually.