150th anniversary of the Paris Commune

This article is a part of the room: Reading Groups

18 March, 2021 – 20 pm GTM

A party, a celebration and a day of memories.

March 18th is the 150th anniversary of the Paris Commune (The Commune: from March 18 to May 28, 1871)
Lets buy Bengal lights, champagne, dress up in costumes and masks.

Although though the Commune was sunk in blood, we are all children of the Paris Commune.
Even hardcore anti-Communists, consider street lighting, public transportation, and an 8-hour workday necessary in our cities.

We are going to invite John Jordan to tell us about the artists and the Commune. Maybe someone else will see the recording of our assembly, someone who no longer remember where such conventional social rules came from, for which thousands of communards were shot.  
Our brothers and sisters from Extinction Rebellion will join us for collective creative brainstorming about amazing joint projects that will make our world a better place.