Victory Gin offers several possibilities. First you can drink it as it is or mix a classic gin and tonic, then you can fill the bottle with something flammable and make a miniature Molotov cocktail for use in a suitable action. It’s not always the size that counts – the thought is also important.
Never forget to set aside time for optimistic celebration!

Although it was probably Stalin’s regime that George Orwell had in mind when he wrote the novel «1984», in which the population drowns out despondency with Victory Gin, in today’s market-driven world order one can sense the contours of a similar totalitarian structure of power rolling forward – not entirely unsimilar to what the early neoliberals sympathized with. Both Hayek and Buchanan have expressed anti-democratic ideas and contempt for politicians – attitudes that have been widespread from the time of Reagan and onwards to Trump. A frightening development that can give even the most hopeful person a good reason to take a long, comforting sip of Victory Gin.
The philosopher and author Noam Chomsky highlights the importance of what he calls «the optimism of the will». And in the essay collection «Revolutions in reverse», the social anthropologist David Graeber writes that activists often fight such large and long-lasting battles for change that it is seldom visible what is achieved along the way. He therefore encourages us all to celebrate victories along the way to keep our spirits up. Therefore, remember to always set aside time for an optimistic celebration – preferably topped off with a Victory Gin Tonic.
4 cl gin, a clove
Victory Gin offers several possibilities, you can first drink it as it is or mix a classic gin and tonic, then you can fill the bottle with something flammable and make a miniature Molotov cocktail for use in a suitable action. It’s not always the size that counts – the thought is at least as important.
Classic gin and tonic: Fill a chilled tall glass 2/3 full with ice. Pour in 4 cl of gin. Fill the rest of the glass with Indian tonic (approx. 15 cl) – it should be quality tonic. Rub a wedge of fresh lime around the rim of the glass before putting it in the glass – don’t use lemon. Stir lightly with a cocktail stick and serve.