Birthday Party4David

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David’s friends are gathering to celebrate his birthday.

12-02-2021 David’s Birthday party 60th birthday.

and amazing invitation, made by TJ
From Zarahn Southon (Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Pukenga, Ngāti Pikiao, Whakatohea).

Zarahn wrote:

One of our tribal introductory chants is from our ancestor the tohunga named Ngātoroirangi when he landed at maketu after his journey from Haiwaiiki to Aotearoa, he said to the hosts welcoming him there:

Ka u ki matanuku

Ka u ki matarangi

ka u ki tenei whenua

Hei whenua te mau e kai te manawa o tauhou

I arrive in lands strange to me

I arrive with strange skies above

to the people of the land, I offer my heart as food for thee

Ngā mihi nui
