I’m currently preparing for a project in St. Vincent’s where we will be brainstorming ideas about playgrounds with the kids, hoping to come up with something that would exciting enough to come and build in November 2024.
The general thoughts is to make a playground with local free materials like old car tires, earth, paint, boards, rocks, and ropes. We will have some extras attached, like metal parts such as rope hooks, nails, and other construction necessities. These parts could be developed in something much complex if you have the opportunity.
Regarding playground themes, I will follow a tried and tested theme that developed during A4kids c cities and schools of the future, which consists a provocation.
Children, like adults, are equally interested in both utopian and dystopian scenarios. We often need to reject or to disagree with something.
That’s why I’m planning to work with one group to come up with a playground where all of us – children and adults – would dream of playing at least once in our lives, and another where we would never agree to play.
I plan to post here and on social media the results!