Open Source Library

This article is a part of the room: Library of Care, Books and Stories

Curated by Beatriz Moral, Nika Dubrovsky andand is looking for volunteers and co-curators

Beatriz Moral traveled from Spain to Cuba with some donated books and tried to set up a regular set of donations to distribute books to communities in need, such as libraries and schools in Havana or indeed some places in the USA or prison in Saint Vincent. We love this initiative!

If you have some books to donate, please, contact us. Meanwhile here we are going to publish texts, that related to David’s or to his legacy with the kind permission from the authors.

  • Mutual Aid and The Grapes of Wrath by John R. Eperjesi
    David Graeber’s work, especially the new introduction to Kropotkin’s Mutual Aid, was really helpful as I was writing this paper on The Grapes of Wrath” – author says.