Library of Care Reading List

This article is a part of the room: Library of Care
Agamben, GiorgioLa guerra in GaliziaQuodlibet2023Link
Albert, MichaelRealizing Hope: Life Beyond CapitalismZed Books2006
Anderson, BenedictImagined Communities
Benjamin, WalterThe Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction1969Link
Bakhtin, MikhailRabelais and His World1984Link
Bernstein, AnyaThe Future of Immortality: Remaking Life and Death in Contemporary RussiaPrinceton University Press2019
Bhaskar, RoyPlato Etc: The Problems of Philosophy and their ResolutionRoutledge2009Link
Bhaskar, RoyA Realist Theory of ScienceRoutledge2008Link
Bhaskar, RoyEnlightened Common Sense. The Philosophy of Critical RealismRoutledge2016
Bhaskar, RoyFrom Science to Emancipation. Alienation and the Actuality of EnlightenmentRoutledge2012
Bloch, MauriceIn and Out of Each Bodies, Theory of the Mind, Evolution, Truth, and the Nature of the SocialRoutledge2013
Bourdieu, PierreOutline of a Theory of PracticeCambridge University Press2013
Bourdieu, Pierre & Wacquant, LoïcAn Invitation to Reflexive SociologyThe University of Chicago1992
Caillois, RogerMan and the SacredUniversity of Illinois Press2001
Caillois, RogerMan, Play and GamesUniversity of Illinois Press2001
Canetti, EliasCrowds and Power
Care Collective (The)The Care Manifesto: The Politics of InterdependenceVerso2020Link
Chancer, LynnSadomasochism in Everyday Life: the Dynamics of Power and PowerlessnessRutgers University Press1992
Collier, AndrewCritical Realism: An Introduction to Roy Bhaskar’s PhilosophyVerso1994
Daymand, Dana & Dubrovsky, NikaOn Common Spaces, Affinity, and
the Problem of a Torn Social Fabric
De Angelis, MassimoThe Beginning of History: Value Struggles and Global Capital2006
Dietrich, GabrieleFeminist Perspectives on Food Security and SurvivalEconomic and Political Weekly2012Link
Dubrovsky, NikaInterview with Michal Kosinski about the end of privacyLink
Dubrovsky, NikaInterview with David Graeber about American electionsLink
Dubrovsky, Nika“Nationalism and the changing idea of citizenship.” Interview with Keith Hart
Dubrovsky, Nika“Never Mind Us!”…to the question of normality…2019Link
Dubrovsky, Nika & Graeber, DavidAnother Art World, Part I: Art Communism and Artificial Scarcitye-flux2019Link
Dubrovsky, Nika & Graeber, DavidContinued from “Another Art World, Part 1: Art Communism and Artificial Scarcity” The Endless Cycle of Productione-flux2019Link
Dubrovsky, Nika & Graeber, DavidAnother Art World, Part 2- Utopia of Freedom as a Market Valuee-flux2019Link
Dubrovsky, Nika & Graeber, DavidAnother Art World, Part 3: Policing and Symbolic Ordere-flux2020Link
Dubrovsky, NikaExhibition Notes: ” Viva Arte Viva ” versus “Documenta 14”2020Link
Dubrovsky, NikaThe continuing adventures of the Yes Women2020Link
Dubrovsky, Nika, Graeber, DavidThe tragedy and the insectsLink
Dubrovsky, Nika & Graeber, DavidThe Museum of Care: Imagining the World after the Pandemic
Arts of the working class2020Link
Dubrovsky, NikaThe Museum of Care: under construction!
Dubrovsky, NikaMehdi Belhaj Kacem: “Metaphysics is Immunodeficient”
An Interview With Nika Dubrovsky
Dubrovsky, NikaDavid Graeber’s Archive Should Continue to Uphold the Ideas He Championed in LifeNovara Media2021Link
Dubrovsky, NikaIt has been almost a year2021Link
Dubrovsky, NikaHow to Leave the Theater without Getting Beheaded
Dubrovsky, Nika#AISFORANTHROPOLOGY: in Conversation with Nika DubrovskyLink
Dubrovsky, NikaRethinking values in a changing worldDisrupt Publications2022Link
Dubrovsky, NikaNoam Chomsky on David Graeber’s Pirate EnlightenmentArtReview2022Link
Dubrovsky, Nika, Pigounides, Vassily, Russell, Clive, Sandfor Roc & othersThe David Graeber Institute Journal2022Link
Falassi, AlessandroTime Out of Time: Essays on the FestivalUniversity of New Mexico Press1987
Federici, SilviaCaliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive AccumulationAutonomedia2004Link
Guilaine, Jean and Zammit, JeanThe Origins of War Violence in PrehistoryWiley-Blackwell2005
Godbout, Jacques & Caille, AlainThe World of the GiftMcGill-Queen’s University Press1998
Graeber, DavidToward An Anthropological Theory of Value: The False Coin of Our Own DreamsPalgrave2001Link
Graeber, DavidFragments of an Anarchist AnthropologyPrickly Paradigm Press2004Link
Graeber, DavidPossibilities: Essays on Hierarchy, Rebellion, and DesireAK Press2007Link
Graeber, DavidDirect Action: An EthnographyAK Press2009Link
Graeber, DavidDebt: The First 5,000 YearsMelville House2011Link
Graeber, DavidThe Democracy Project: A History, A Crisis, A MovementSpiegel & Grau2013Link
Graeber, DavidThe Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity, and the Secret Joys of BureaucracyMelville House2015Link
Graeber, DavidBullshit Jobs: A TheorySimon & Schuster2018Link
Graeber, DavidDavid Graeber on Visual AssemblyLink
Graeber, DavidRevolt of the Caring Class and Visual AssemblyLink
Hart, KeithAfrica and Europe at the CrossroadsLink
Hart, Keith, Laville, Jean-Louis, & Cattani, Antonio David (editors)The Human Economy A Citizens GuideLink
Holloway, JohnChange the World Without Taking Power: The Meaning of Revolution Today2002
Holloway, JohnCrack CapitalismPluto Press2010
Huizinga, JohanHomo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in CultureRoutledge1949
Ilyenkov E. V.What Is Personality?Link
Jackson, JenniferPolitical Oratory and Cartooning: An Ethnography of Democratic Processes in Madagascar
Jameson, FredricThe Prison-House of Language: A Critical Account of Structuralism and Russian Formalism1972
Johnson, AndrewBureaucrats with guns: Or, how we can abolish the police if we just stop believing in themAnthropological Notebooks2021Link
Kropotkin, PyotrMutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution2017Link
Lotz, CorinnaFinding Ilyenkov: How a Soviet Philosopher Who Stood Up for Dialectics Continues to InspireReal Democracy Movement2019Link
Nietzsche, FriedrichAnti-Education: On the Future of Our Educational InstitutionsLink
Nunes, RodrigoOrganisation of the Organisationless
Mitrofanova, Alla, Evdike, Sevinaz Dubrovsky, NikaMuseum of Care in Rojava2020Link
O’Leary, TimothyFat, Felt and Fascism: The Case of Joseph BeuysLink
Öcalan, AbdullahThe Political Thought of Abdullah Öcalan: Kurdistan, Woman’s Revolution and Democratic Confederalism2017Link
Otto, Ilona, Dubrovsky, NikaShift the focus from the super-poor to the super-richNature Climate Change2019Link
Price, WayneAn Anarchist Review of Change the World without Taking Power by John Holloway2006
Rancière, JacquesThe Ignorant Schoolmaster: Five Lessons in Intellectual EmancipationStanford University Press1991
Rancière, JacquesThe Politics of AestheticsBloomsbury Academic2013
Rancière, JacquesThe Nights Of Labor: The Workers’ Dream in Nineteenth-Century France1991
Sahlins, MarshallIslands of History1985Link
Sahlins, MarshallStone Age EconomicsRoutledge2017Link
Sahlins, Marshall & Graeber, DavidOn KingsHAU2017Link
Scarry, ElaineThe Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the WorldOxford University Press1987
Schmidt, JeffDisciplines Minds: A Critical Look at Salaried Professionals and the Soul-Battering System that Shapes their IdentitiesRowman & Littlefield2000
Scott, James C.Domination and the Arts of Resistance: Hidden transcriptsYale University Press1990
Scott, James C.The Art of Not Being Governed
Shiva, VandanaEcofeminism1993
Shiva, VandanaWater Wars: Privatization, Pollution, and Profit2002
Shiva, VandanaManifestos on the Future of Food and Seed2007
Shiva, VandanaWho Really Feeds the World?:
The Failures of Agribusiness and the Promise of Agroecology
Shukaitis, Stevphen & Szukis, HaduhiImaginal MachinesAutonomedia2009
Spinoza, BaruchThe Ethics, Part I: Concerning GodLink
Spinoza, BaruchThe Ethics, Part II: On the Nature and Origin of the MindLink
Spinoza, BaruchThe Ethics, Part III: On the Origin and Nature of the EmotionsLink
Spinoza, BaruchThe Ethics, Part IV: Of Human Bondage, or the Strength of the EmotionsLink
Spinoza, BaruchThe Ethics, Part V: Of the Power of the Understanding, or of Human FreedomLink
Wallerstein, ImmanuelThe Decline of American Power: The U.S. in a Chaotic WorldThe New Press2003
Yurchak, AlexeiEverything Was Forever, Until It Was No More: The Last Soviet GenerationPrinceton University Press2005

On Care:

Held, VirginiaThe Ethics of Care Personal, Political, and GlobalOxford Univercity Press2005English
Tronto, Joan C.Care as the Work of Citizens A Modest ProposalOxford Scholarship Online2005Englsih
Tronto, Joan C.Care Ethics: Moving ForwardWiley1999English
Zachorowska-Mazurkiewicz, AnnaThe concept of care in institutional and feminist economics, and its impact on public policy
Sowerby, Eileen MargaretNEL NODDINGS’ CARING: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS1993English
Zelizer, Viviana A.The Purchase of IntimacyPrinceton University Press2005English
Tao, Julia Lai Po-WahTWO PERSPECTIVES OF CARE: CONFUCIAN REN AND FEMINIST CAREJournal of Chinese Philosophy2000English
Sevenhuijsen, SelmaCitizenship and the Ethics of Care Feminist Considerations on Justice, Morality and PoliticsRoutledge1998English
Sander-Staudt, MaureenThe Unhappy Marriage of Care Ethics and Virtue EthicsWiley2006English
Ruddick, SaraMaternal Thinking: Toward a Politics of PeaceBeacon Press1995English
Ruddick, SaraAn Appreciation of Love’s LaborWiley2002English
Robinson, FionaGlobalizing Care Ethics, Feminist Theory, and International RelationsCarleton Umiversity1999English
Lugones, MaríaPlayfulness, “World”-Travelling, and Loving PerceptionWiley1987English
Noddings, NelStarting at Home CARING AND SOCIAL POLICYUniversity of California Press2002English
Noddings, NelEducating Moral People A CARING ALTERNATIVE TO CHARACTER EDUCATIONTeachers College Press2002English
Lynch, KathleenLove labour as a distinct and non-commodifiable form of care labourEnglish
Alcoff, Linda M. and Kittay, Eva F.The Blackwell Guide to Feminist PhilosophyWiley-Blackwell2006English
Tronto, Joan C.Beyond Gender Difference to a Theory of CareUniversity of Chicago Press2003English
Gutierrez, AnaCare for SaleOxford University Press2019English
Engster, DanielCare Ethics and Natural Law Theory: Toward an Institutional Political Theory of CaringThe University of Chicago Press2004English
Zechner, ManuelaCommoning Care & Collective Power Childcare Commons and the Micropolitics of
Municipalism in Barcelona
transversal texts2021English
Bubekc, Elisabet DiemutCare, Gender, and JusticeOxford University Press1995English
England, Paula and Folbre, NancyThe Cost of Caring1993English