This article is a part of the room: Library of Care
Author(s) | Title | Publisher | Year | Link |
Agamben, Giorgio | La guerra in Galizia | Quodlibet | 2023 | Link |
Albert, Michael | Realizing Hope: Life Beyond Capitalism | Zed Books | 2006 | |
Anderson, Benedict | Imagined Communities | | | |
Benjamin, Walter | The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction | | 1969 | Link |
Bakhtin, Mikhail | Rabelais and His World | | 1984 | Link |
Bernstein, Anya | The Future of Immortality: Remaking Life and Death in Contemporary Russia | Princeton University Press | 2019 | |
Bhaskar, Roy | Plato Etc: The Problems of Philosophy and their Resolution | Routledge | 2009 | Link |
Bhaskar, Roy | A Realist Theory of Science | Routledge | 2008 | Link |
Bhaskar, Roy | Enlightened Common Sense. The Philosophy of Critical Realism | Routledge | 2016 | |
Bhaskar, Roy | From Science to Emancipation. Alienation and the Actuality of Enlightenment | Routledge | 2012 | |
Bloch, Maurice | In and Out of Each Bodies, Theory of the Mind, Evolution, Truth, and the Nature of the Social | Routledge | 2013 | |
Bourdieu, Pierre | Outline of a Theory of Practice | Cambridge University Press | 2013 | |
Bourdieu, Pierre & Wacquant, Loïc | An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology | The University of Chicago | 1992 | |
Caillois, Roger | Man and the Sacred | University of Illinois Press | 2001 | |
Caillois, Roger | Man, Play and Games | University of Illinois Press | 2001 | |
Canetti, Elias | Crowds and Power | | | |
Care Collective (The) | The Care Manifesto: The Politics of Interdependence | Verso | 2020 | Link |
Chancer, Lynn | Sadomasochism in Everyday Life: the Dynamics of Power and Powerlessness | Rutgers University Press | 1992 | |
Collier, Andrew | Critical Realism: An Introduction to Roy Bhaskar’s Philosophy | Verso | 1994 | |
Daymand, Dana & Dubrovsky, Nika | On Common Spaces, Affinity, and the Problem of a Torn Social Fabric | | 2023 | Link |
De Angelis, Massimo | The Beginning of History: Value Struggles and Global Capital | | 2006 | |
Dietrich, Gabriele | Feminist Perspectives on Food Security and Survival | Economic and Political Weekly | 2012 | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika | Interview with Michal Kosinski about the end of privacy | | | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika | Interview with David Graeber about American elections | | | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika | “Nationalism and the changing idea of citizenship.” Interview with Keith Hart | | 2012 | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika | “Never Mind Us!”…to the question of normality… | | 2019 | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika & Graeber, David | Another Art World, Part I: Art Communism and Artificial Scarcity | e-flux | 2019 | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika & Graeber, David | Continued from “Another Art World, Part 1: Art Communism and Artificial Scarcity” The Endless Cycle of Production | e-flux | 2019 | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika & Graeber, David | Another Art World, Part 2- Utopia of Freedom as a Market Value | e-flux | 2019 | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika & Graeber, David | Another Art World, Part 3: Policing and Symbolic Order | e-flux | 2020 | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika | Exhibition Notes: ” Viva Arte Viva ” versus “Documenta 14” | | 2020 | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika | The continuing adventures of the Yes Women | | 2020 | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika, Graeber, David | The tragedy and the insects | | | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika & Graeber, David | The Museum of Care: Imagining the World after the Pandemic | Arts of the working class | 2020 | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika | The Museum of Care: under construction! | | 2021 | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika | Mehdi Belhaj Kacem: “Metaphysics is Immunodeficient” An Interview With Nika Dubrovsky | | 2021 | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika | David Graeber’s Archive Should Continue to Uphold the Ideas He Championed in Life | Novara Media | 2021 | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika | It has been almost a year | | 2021 | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika | How to Leave the Theater without Getting Beheaded | | 2021 | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika | #AISFORANTHROPOLOGY: in Conversation with Nika Dubrovsky | | | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika | Rethinking values in a changing world | Disrupt Publications | 2022 | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika | Noam Chomsky on David Graeber’s Pirate Enlightenment | ArtReview | 2022 | Link |
Dubrovsky, Nika, Pigounides, Vassily, Russell, Clive, Sandfor Roc & others | The David Graeber Institute Journal | | 2022 | Link |
Falassi, Alessandro | Time Out of Time: Essays on the Festival | University of New Mexico Press | 1987 | |
Federici, Silvia | Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation | Autonomedia | 2004 | Link |
Guilaine, Jean and Zammit, Jean | The Origins of War Violence in Prehistory | Wiley-Blackwell | 2005 | |
Godbout, Jacques & Caille, Alain | The World of the Gift | McGill-Queen’s University Press | 1998 | |
Graeber, David | Toward An Anthropological Theory of Value: The False Coin of Our Own Dreams | Palgrave | 2001 | Link |
Graeber, David | Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology | Prickly Paradigm Press | 2004 | Link |
Graeber, David | Possibilities: Essays on Hierarchy, Rebellion, and Desire | AK Press | 2007 | Link |
Graeber, David | Direct Action: An Ethnography | AK Press | 2009 | Link |
Graeber, David | Debt: The First 5,000 Years | Melville House | 2011 | Link |
Graeber, David | The Democracy Project: A History, A Crisis, A Movement | Spiegel & Grau | 2013 | Link |
Graeber, David | The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity, and the Secret Joys of Bureaucracy | Melville House | 2015 | Link |
Graeber, David | Bullshit Jobs: A Theory | Simon & Schuster | 2018 | Link |
Graeber, David | David Graeber on Visual Assembly | | | Link |
Graeber, David | Revolt of the Caring Class and Visual Assembly | | | Link |
Hart, Keith | Africa and Europe at the Crossroads | | | Link |
Hart, Keith, Laville, Jean-Louis, & Cattani, Antonio David (editors) | The Human Economy A Citizens Guide | | | Link |
Holloway, John | Change the World Without Taking Power: The Meaning of Revolution Today | | 2002 | |
Holloway, John | Crack Capitalism | Pluto Press | 2010 | |
Huizinga, Johan | Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture | Routledge | 1949 | |
Ilyenkov E. V. | What Is Personality? | | | Link |
Jackson, Jennifer | Political Oratory and Cartooning: An Ethnography of Democratic Processes in Madagascar | | | |
Jameson, Fredric | The Prison-House of Language: A Critical Account of Structuralism and Russian Formalism | | 1972 | |
Johnson, Andrew | Bureaucrats with guns: Or, how we can abolish the police if we just stop believing in them | Anthropological Notebooks | 2021 | Link |
Kropotkin, Pyotr | Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution | | 2017 | Link |
Lotz, Corinna | Finding Ilyenkov: How a Soviet Philosopher Who Stood Up for Dialectics Continues to Inspire | Real Democracy Movement | 2019 | Link |
Nietzsche, Friedrich | Anti-Education: On the Future of Our Educational Institutions | | | Link |
Nunes, Rodrigo | Organisation of the Organisationless | | | |
Mitrofanova, Alla, Evdike, Sevinaz Dubrovsky, Nika | Museum of Care in Rojava | | 2020 | Link |
O’Leary, Timothy | Fat, Felt and Fascism: The Case of Joseph Beuys | | | Link |
Öcalan, Abdullah | The Political Thought of Abdullah Öcalan: Kurdistan, Woman’s Revolution and Democratic Confederalism | | 2017 | Link |
Otto, Ilona, Dubrovsky, Nika | Shift the focus from the super-poor to the super-rich | Nature Climate Change | 2019 | Link |
Price, Wayne | An Anarchist Review of Change the World without Taking Power by John Holloway | | 2006 | |
Rancière, Jacques | The Ignorant Schoolmaster: Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation | Stanford University Press | 1991 | |
Rancière, Jacques | The Politics of Aesthetics | Bloomsbury Academic | 2013 | |
Rancière, Jacques | The Nights Of Labor: The Workers’ Dream in Nineteenth-Century France | | 1991 | |
Sahlins, Marshall | Islands of History | | 1985 | Link |
Sahlins, Marshall | Stone Age Economics | Routledge | 2017 | Link |
Sahlins, Marshall & Graeber, David | On Kings | HAU | 2017 | Link |
Scarry, Elaine | The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World | Oxford University Press | 1987 | |
Schmidt, Jeff | Disciplines Minds: A Critical Look at Salaried Professionals and the Soul-Battering System that Shapes their Identities | Rowman & Littlefield | 2000 | |
Scott, James C. | Domination and the Arts of Resistance: Hidden transcripts | Yale University Press | 1990 | |
Scott, James C. | The Art of Not Being Governed | | | |
Shiva, Vandana | Ecofeminism | | 1993 | |
Shiva, Vandana | Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution, and Profit | | 2002 | |
Shiva, Vandana | Manifestos on the Future of Food and Seed | | 2007 | |
Shiva, Vandana | Who Really Feeds the World?: The Failures of Agribusiness and the Promise of Agroecology | | 2016 | |
Shukaitis, Stevphen & Szukis, Haduhi | Imaginal Machines | Autonomedia | 2009 | |
Spinoza, Baruch | The Ethics, Part I: Concerning God | | | Link |
Spinoza, Baruch | The Ethics, Part II: On the Nature and Origin of the Mind | | | Link |
Spinoza, Baruch | The Ethics, Part III: On the Origin and Nature of the Emotions | | | Link |
Spinoza, Baruch | The Ethics, Part IV: Of Human Bondage, or the Strength of the Emotions | | | Link |
Spinoza, Baruch | The Ethics, Part V: Of the Power of the Understanding, or of Human Freedom | | | Link |
Wallerstein, Immanuel | The Decline of American Power: The U.S. in a Chaotic World | The New Press | 2003 | |
Yurchak, Alexei | Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More: The Last Soviet Generation | Princeton University Press | 2005 | |
On Care:
Held, Virginia | The Ethics of Care Personal, Political, and Global | Oxford Univercity Press | 2005 | English |
Tronto, Joan C. | Care as the Work of Citizens A Modest Proposal | Oxford Scholarship Online | 2005 | Englsih |
Tronto, Joan C. | Care Ethics: Moving Forward | Wiley | 1999 | English |
Zachorowska-Mazurkiewicz, Anna | The concept of care in institutional and feminist economics, and its impact on public policy | | | |
Sowerby, Eileen Margaret | NEL NODDINGS’ CARING: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS | | 1993 | English |
Zelizer, Viviana A. | The Purchase of Intimacy | Princeton University Press | 2005 | English |
Tao, Julia Lai Po-Wah | TWO PERSPECTIVES OF CARE: CONFUCIAN REN AND FEMINIST CARE | Journal of Chinese Philosophy | 2000 | English |
Sevenhuijsen, Selma | Citizenship and the Ethics of Care Feminist Considerations on Justice, Morality and Politics | Routledge | 1998 | English |
Sander-Staudt, Maureen | The Unhappy Marriage of Care Ethics and Virtue Ethics | Wiley | 2006 | English |
Ruddick, Sara | Maternal Thinking: Toward a Politics of Peace | Beacon Press | 1995 | English |
Ruddick, Sara | An Appreciation of Love’s Labor | Wiley | 2002 | English |
Robinson, Fiona | Globalizing Care Ethics, Feminist Theory, and International Relations | Carleton Umiversity | 1999 | English |
Lugones, María | Playfulness, “World”-Travelling, and Loving Perception | Wiley | 1987 | English |
Noddings, Nel | Starting at Home CARING AND SOCIAL POLICY | University of California Press | 2002 | English |
Noddings, Nel | Educating Moral People A CARING ALTERNATIVE TO CHARACTER EDUCATION | Teachers College Press | 2002 | English |
Lynch, Kathleen | Love labour as a distinct and non-commodifiable form of care labour | | | English |
Alcoff, Linda M. and Kittay, Eva F. | The Blackwell Guide to Feminist Philosophy | Wiley-Blackwell | 2006 | English |
Tronto, Joan C. | Beyond Gender Difference to a Theory of Care | University of Chicago Press | 2003 | English |
Gutierrez, Ana | Care for Sale | Oxford University Press | 2019 | English |
Engster, Daniel | Care Ethics and Natural Law Theory: Toward an Institutional Political Theory of Caring | The University of Chicago Press | 2004 | English |
Zechner, Manuela | Commoning Care & Collective Power Childcare Commons and the Micropolitics of Municipalism in Barcelona | transversal texts | 2021 | English |
Bubekc, Elisabet Diemut | Care, Gender, and Justice | Oxford University Press | 1995 | English |
England, Paula and Folbre, Nancy | The Cost of Caring | 1993 | English |