Pedagogies of Care

30 May, 2024 20:00 (London time)

Register for the event

One the fourth meeting of the Pedagogies of Care group Andris Brinkmanis will be joined by Elena Sorokina, a curator who, together with Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez is one of the founders of The Initiative for Practices and Visions of Radical Care

The Initiative for Practices and Visions of Radical Care, started in 2020 in greater Paris, is a diverse group of practitioners of arts, crafts, philosophies, healing and therapy, its members coming from vastly spread geographies. Neither a classical collective nor a rigid structure, the Initiative is researching and reinventing modes of sustainable institutionalism. Based on friendships as well as professional bonds, it functions as an ecosystem and fosters interdependency, care and solidarity beyond identity.

Elena Sorokina will talk about the “Initiative” and practices of mutuality, intersectionality and care in artistic and curatorial work. Care can be seen as a flow of multiple activities of social reproduction that nurture individuals and sustain social, environmental and political bonds, foreground relatedness, and focus as much on process and methods as on outcomes. Care can be practiced as a mutuality embracing the languages, energies, histories, landscapes, bodies, and materials that reflect a sophisticated, non-extractive and sensitive relationship to the human and non-human alike.

Cover image: Kubra Khademi, Untitled, (from the series “Ordinary Women”, 2019)

About Pedagogies of Care

Hosted and curated by Andris Brinkmanis, senior lecturer and the course Leader of BA in Painting and Visual Arts at NABA in Milan and Visiting Professor for the Art Academy of Latvia Curatorial Course, this series of encounters is designed around the legacies of historical figures – from Francisco Ferrer Guardia, Asja Lacis, Bertolt Brecht and Walter Benjamin, to Ivan Illich, Palle Nielsen, bell hooks and David Graeber, among others. Be it theatre, art, anarchist thought or anthropology, many of these important personalities shared common aspirations.

What contemporary practices align with this historical lineage and trajectory, aptly coined by Illich as ‘deschooling’? Contemporary actors such as The Freedom Theatre in Palestine, Grupo Contrafile in Brazil, but also indigenous communities and activist groups, are examples that will help us to understand and locate those contemporary ‘pedagogies of care’ in action, which also go well beyond this very complex and problematic notion.

What do these true educational resources, from which we may learn collectively, have in common and how do they differ from the mainstream pedagogical approaches based on competition, separation and control? When and with the help of which tools can active care become a communal social and political instrument, providing voice and agency, rather than depriving of it? How can notions such as attention, observation, dialogue and listening become key strategies leading towards the creation of new shared ontologies, opening up new scenarios and providing different horizons?

This series of talks will explore the topic in collaboration with invited guests as well as the community around the David Graeber Institute.

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